Construction Industry Financing

Extensive experience through industry cycles and challenges makes Nexseer a trusted partner for the construction industry.

For decades, and through all economic conditions, the team at Nexseer brings capital solutions to the construction industry that reach beyond the limitations of traditional lending at any point in time. Our clients include commercial, residential, civil, construction, materials suppliers, rental houses, crane operators, etc. Our expertise includes:



recycling plant financing

Recycling & Refuse


Cranes and Rigging

dumpt truck

Articulated Dump Trucks

road equipment financing

Road Construction

aggregate equipment

Aggregate and Batch Plants

Our Construction Industry Clients are CapEx-intensive companies or companies with current equipment financing needs that typically range between $500,000 and $100,000,000. They frequently seek:

From Complexity to Clarity

Our case studies illustrate Nexseer’s speed, flexibility, highly competitive finance structures and our ability to reach beyond the limitations of traditional lending.

“Taking Care of Business”

“Black Water”

From wastewater treatment facility projects to funding factory automation during a pandemic, more examples of Nexseer creativity can be found by clicking below.

Need to discuss an upcoming capital need?